- 페이지 경로
- Cases By Disease Category
Archive of Old Cases 2021
[Case 1221]
Chief Complaint : Anal cancer, SLE, Lupus nephritis
[Case 1222]
Chief Complaint : Dry cough, dyspnea, weight loss
[Case 1223]
Chief Complaint : Incidental finding
[Case 1224]
Chief Complaint : Fever
History: Chronic rejection after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation and recurrent CMV retinitis
[Case 1225]
Chief Complaint : ESRD on HD, HTN, DM, CAD s/p PTCA
[Case 1226]
Chief Complaint : Cough, sputum (2MA)
[Case 1227]
Chief Complaint : Fever, myalgia, dry cough (onset of fever: 10 days ago)
Lived in the United States for 35 years
[Case 1228]
Chief Complaint : Eye pain, Maxillary Td (+)
[Case 1229]
Chief Complaint : Abnormal chest x-ray
[Case 1230]
Chief Complaint : mild cough and sputum, 1month ago.
industrial dust inhalation exposure for 10 yrs