- 페이지 경로
- Cases By Disease Category
Archive of Old Cases 2010
[Case 656]
Chief Complaint : Fever, dyspnea, left flank pain for 1 day
[Case 657]
Chief Complaint : Cough, blood-tinged sputum for 2 weeks
[Case 658]
Chief Complaint : Vomiting followed by acute onset chest pain
[Case 659]
Chief Complaint : Incidentally found for health check-up
[Case 660]
Chief Complaint : Cough and dyspnea
Working at iron ore industry
[Case 661]
Chief Complaint : Dysphagia for 3 weeks
[Case 662]
Chief Complaint : Fever for 5 days, chilling sense, cough,
PHx.: Discharged from the military service in January, 2010.
[Case 663]
Chief Complaint : Routine post op. follow up
(s/p Robot assisted thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy d/t lung cancer), PHx: Breast implants
[Case 664]
Chief Complaint : Incidentally found lung masses in the health check-up
[Case 665]
Chief Complaint : Clinical Hx: Chronic cough, recurrent infection,
Past Hx: Bronchial asthma, gout