- 페이지 경로
- Cases By Disease Category
Archive of Old Cases 2023
[Case 1335]
Chief Complaint : Cough and sputum
[Case 1336]
Chief Complaint : Fever,
Former smoker (1 X 25 PYRS, quit 11 years ago),
Total gastrectomy due to gastric cancer on 8 years ago
[Case 1337]
Chief Complaint : CC. Routine checkup.
Past Medical History. Seizure
[Case 1338]
Chief Complaint : Limb weakness and sensory change (onset: 1 MA)
Lab: CBC normal, CRP normal, ANCA negative, Antinuclear Ab negative
[Case 1339]
Chief Complaint : Dyspnea for 1 year, SpO2 84%
[Case 1340]
Chief Complaint : Dyspnea
PHx: Lung cancer s/p LUL upper division segmentectomy, Mitral stenosis, Atrial fibrillation
[Case 1341]
Chief Complaint : Proptosis, visual acuity decrease
[Case 1342]
Chief Complaint : Incidental finding
[Case 1343]
Chief Complaint : Acute left chest pain
[Case 1344]
Chief Complaint : Dyspnea