- 페이지 경로
- Cases By Disease Category
Archive of Old Cases 2023
[Case 1355]
Chief Complaint : Incidental abnormality on screening evaluation
[Case 1356]
Chief Complaint : Abnormal findings detected on chest PA for a regular check-up.
[Case 1357]
Chief Complaint : Dyspnea
R.O.S/P.E: xerostomia, skin rash
Serology test: ANA(-), Anti CCP Ab(-), P-ANCA(-), C-ANCA(-), MPO(-), Anti-Jo1(-), Anti-SS-A/Ro(-), Anti-SS-A/La (-)
Past history: None
[Case 1358]
Chief Complaint : fever, rash (onset: 1 week ago), on physical exam: left axilla eschar
with past history of HTN, DM, dyslipidemia, S/P PCI at LAD, non-smoker
[Case 1359]
Chief Complaint : An incidental abnormality on the chest radiograph.
[Case 1360]
Chief Complaint : abnormal imaging on routine health check
[Case 1361]
Chief Complaint : Dyspnea, facial edema
[Case 1362]
Chief Complaint :
[Case 1363]
Chief Complaint : Known COVID-19 infection (confirmed 9 days ago) with persistent fever and cough
[Case 1364]
Chief Complaint : Both lower extremities (proximal limb) weakness for 3 months