Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Endobrochial Leiomyoma
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA shows a well-defined round mass on distal left main bronchus without causing obstructive pneumonia or atelectasis. CT scan shows a homogeneously enhanced round mass, which is completely confined within endobronchial lumen and hyperinflation of left lung probably due to air trapping by check valve mechanism.
- Brief Review
- Endobronchial and endotracheal leiomyosarcomas are encountered uncommonly. Endobronchial leiomyomas are somewhat more common than endobronchial leiomyosarcoma; approximately 30 were reviewed in one series in 1983, and 85 cases had been reported by 1995. Multiple leiomyomas have been reported but are either hamartomas or metastases from uterine myomas.
Pathologically, bronchial tumors are typically located in the main or lobar airways. They are fleshy, are often pedunculated, and more or less completely fill the airway lumen; extension into the underlying tracheobronchial wall is unusual, even in the histologically malignant forms.
Radiographic findings consist of atelectasis and obstructive pneumonitis. Nonobstructive tumors present as sessile or pedunculated soft tissue nodules within the trachea or bronchi. In a review of the literature concerning leiomyomas, the mean age at the time of diagnosis was 39 years. As might be expected, the majority of patients have cough, hemoptysis, or dyspnea. Provided that the tumors can be adequately excised, the prognosis is good even in histologically malignant forms; both local recurrence and metastases are exceptional. Some of these cases were treated by pneumonectomy or lobectomy. However, pure endobronchial lesion were treated by sleeve operation. In the present case, a sleeve resection of the left main bronchus including the tumor and end-to-end anastomosis was performed.
- References
- 1. Fraser RS, M?ler NL, Colman N, Par?PD eds. Diagnosis of diseases of the chest. 4th ed. W.B. Sauders company 1999: 1331-1332.
2. Ayabe H, Tsuji H, Tagawa Y, Tomita M, Tsuda N, Chen J. Endobronchial leiomyoma: report of a case treated by bronchoplasty and a review of the literature. Surg Today 1995; 25:1057-1060
- Keywords
- Airway, Benign tumor,