Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, Monoclonal gammopathy, and Skin changes (POEMS) syndrome
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiograph shows bilateral small pleural effusions.
Chest CT scan shows diffuse interlobular septal thickening and bilateral GGO suggesting pulmonary edema with bilateral pleural effusions. Small pericardial effusion and generalized subcutaneous edema were also noted.
Furthermore, several mild enlarged left supraclavicular lymph nodes and osteosclerotic lesion in T7 vertebral body are probably associated with autoimmune disorder including polyneuropathy. On PET/CT scan, there was diffuse mild FDG uptake on axial skeleton, suggesting hypermetabolic status. The plasma cells were 11.0% of absolute neutrophil counts on bone marrow aspiration.
- Brief Review
- Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, Monoclonal gammopathy, and Skin changes (POEMS) syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome due to an underlying plasma cell neoplasm. The major criteria for the syndrome are polyradiculoneuropathy, clonal plasma cell disorder (PCD), sclerotic bone lesions, elevated vascular endothelial growth factor, and the presence of Castleman disease. Minor features include organomegaly, endocrinopathy, characteristic skin changes, papilledema, extravascular volume overload, and thrombocytosis. Diagnosis is often delayed because the syndrome is rare and can be mistaken for other neurologic disorders, most commonly chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. POEMS syndrome should be distinguished from the Castleman disease variant of POEMS syndrome, which has no clonal PCD and typically little to no peripheral neuropathy but has several of the minor diagnostic criteria for POEMS syndrome.
Significant advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of POEMS syndrome over the last decade. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation has become the first-line treatment for younger patients with normal organ function. Autologous transplantation has resulted in a high response rate and durable remission.
- References
- 1. Jian Li, Dao-bin Zhou. New advances in the diagnosis and treatment of POEMS syndrome, British Journal of Haematology, May 2013.
2. Dispenzieri, A et al (2003) POEMS syndrome: definitions and long-term outcome. Blood, 101, 2496–2506.
3. Angela Dispenzieri, POEMS syndrome: Update on diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management, American Journal of Hematology, Vol 90, October 2015.
- Keywords
- POEMS syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, monoclonal gammopathy,