Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
- Radiologic Findings
- Plain X-ray shows bilateral, symmetric ground glass opacities (GGO) with central distribution, sparing the apices and costophrenic angles. Associated interstitial thickening was also noted.
CT shows widespread bilateral geographic GGO with superimposed interlobular septal thickening, demonstrating a crazy paving pattern. No pleural effusion or enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes seen.
Whole lung bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was done bilaterally. The BAL fluid milky and opaque initially and becomes clear gradually.
- Brief Review
- Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease characterized by abnormal intraalveolar accumulation of surfactant-like material that is positive at periodic acid-Schiff staining and rich in lipid. Inflammatory response in the adjacent interstitium is seen.
It is usually presents in young and middle-aged adults (20-50 years of age) and smoking is strongly associated with the condition. Three distinct subgroups of PAP are currently recognized: idiopathic, secondary, and congenital. Secondary PAP (5%-10% of cases) is recognized in patients with industrial inhalational exposure to materials such as silica particles, cement dust or etc.
The typical radiograph reveals bilateral central and symmetric lung opacities, with relative sparing of the apices and costophrenic angles (bat-wing pattern). Less commonly, radiographs show multifocal asymmetric opacities or extensive diffuse consolidation. There is a disparity between the moderate clinical symptoms and the more impressive radiographic abnormalities (clinicoradiologic discrepancy).
Crazy paving pattern, defined scattered or diffuse ground-glass attenuation with superimposed interlobular septal thickening and intralobular lines in a geographic distribution is a characteristic feature of this disease visible on high-resolution computed tomography (CT). But other etiologies such as pneumonia (especially pneumocystis pneumonia), alveolar hemorrhage, bronchoalveolar carcinoma, lymphangitic carcinomatosis, ARDS also shows crazy paving pattern.
Whole-lung lavage is the most widely accepted therapy. Post therapeutic BAL CT may reveal persistent septal lines despite interval resolution of ground-glass opacity.
- References
- 1. FRAZIER, Aletta Ann, et al. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Radiographics, 2008, 28.3: 883-899.
2. ROSSI, Santiago E., et al. Crazy-paving pattern at thin-section CT of the lungs: radiologic-pathologic overview. Radiographics, 2003, 23.6: 1509-1519.
- Please refer to
- Case 883 Case 880 Case 843 Case 818 Case 692 Case 670 Case 624 Case 525 Case 404 Case 275 Case 198
- Keywords
- Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis, Lung, PAP,