Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Fibrosing mediastinitis
- Radiologic Findings
- Fig 1. Chest PA shows no remarkable abnormal finding in the lung and bony thorax.
Fig 2-5. CT scans reveal an infiltrative mass lesion in the posterior mediastinum, right paravertebral area.
Fig 6. The mass shows low signal intensity on T2, T1 WI.
Biopsy reveals the ratio of IgG4 to IgG is about 10%
Pathologically, the diagnosis of IgG4-associated disease was ruled out since it didn't meet the diagnostic criteria.
- Brief Review
- Fibrosing mediastinitis is an uncommon benign disorder characterized by the proliferation of dense fibrous tissue within the mediastinum. The precise cause and pathogenesis of fibrosing mediastinitis remains elusive. The specific manifestation of fibrosing mediastinitis affects the structures involved and their function, such as complications in the airway, vascular structures, and pleura.
Radiographs may show nonspecific widening of the mediastinum, with distortion and obliteration of normally recognizable mediastinal interfaces or lines. Findings can be quite subtle and the extent of mediastinal involvement is frequently underestimated.
CT findings show an infiltrative mass of soft tissue attenuation. The mass obliterates normal mediastinal fat planes and encases or invades adjacent structures. Fibrosing mediastinitis commonly affects middle mediastinal compartment, including both right and left paratracheal, subcarinal, and hilar areas.
On MR, fibrosing mediastinitis shows intermediate signal intensity on T1-WI and variable intensity on T2-WI. Foci of relative hypointensity may be seen on both T1- and T2-WI, caused by calcification or by dense fibrotic scar.
- References
- 1. Rossi SE, McAdams HP, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Franks TJ, Galvin JR. Fibrosing mediastinitis. RadioGraphics 2001;21:737-757.
2. Tabotta F, Ferretti GR, Prosch H, Boussouar S, Brun A, Roos JE, et al. Imaging features and differential diagnoses of non-neoplastic diffuse mediastinal diseases. Insights Imaging 2020;11:111.
3. Jain N, Chauhan U, Puri SK, Agrawal S, Garg L. Fibrosing mediastinitis: when to suspect and how to evaluate? BJR Case Rep 2016;2:20150274.
- Keywords