Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Choriocarcinoma (with extensive necrosis and hemorrhage)
- Radiologic Findings
- Fig 1. Chest PA shows multiple nodular opacities in both lungs with a large amount of left pleural effusion. A mediastinal mass was also suspected.
Fig 2-5. CT scan reveals a 9.4cm necrotic mass at the anterior mediastinum with heterogeneous enhancing areas. Multiple necrotic pulmonary metastases were seen in both lungs, less than 3.5cm in size.
A large amount of left pleural effusion was also noted, resulting in passive atelectasis of left lung.
His alpha-fetoprotein level was 1.4 ng/mL (reference: 1.1–5.0 ng/mL). His beta-hCG level was 10803.0 mIU/mL (reference: 0–2.6 mIU/mL).
- Brief Review
- Choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant tumor that originates from syncytiotrophoblasts. Primary choriocarcinoma of the mediastinum is defined as a choriocarcinoma in the mediastinum without a primary gonadal lesion or metastatic retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Primary choriocarcinoma of the mediastinum is extremely rare, and the diagnosis of the primary choriocarcinoma is challenging. Patients with primary choriocarcinoma are usually young men between 20 and 30 years of age. The main symptoms of primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma include dry cough, hemoptysis, gynecomastia, and chest pain. Chest computed tomography shows a large irregular shaped mass with central necrosis, hemorrhage, or cyst formation in the anterior mediastinum. Early hematogenous metastases to the lung, liver, and brain are common.
Trophoblastic tumors such as choriocarcinoma display three major characteristics of trophoblastic tissue: the tendency to invade blood vessels, rapid proliferation, and rich vascularity. These features account for the hemorrhagic event of metastatic choriocarcinoma such as hemoptysis and hemothorax.
Serological examination demonstrates a high beta-hCG level. The prognosis of primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma is poor even after combination chemotherapy.
- References
- 1. Gaude GS, Patil P, Malur PR, Kangale R, Dhorigol V, Anurshetru S, Karanji J (2013) Primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma. South Asian J Cancer 2:79
2. Zhang S, Gao H, Wang XA, Liang B, Li DW, Shao Y, Jiang SJ (2014) Primary choriocarcinoma in mediastinum with multiple lung metastases in a male patient: A case report and a review of the literature. Thorac Cancer 5:463-467
3. Ibi et al. Choriocarcinoma of the lung: report of a case. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012; 60:377-380.
4. Saha K, Basuthakur S, Jash D, Bandyopadhyay A. Gestational choriocarcinoma presenting as hemothorax. Indian J Med Sci 2010;64:237-40.
- Keywords