Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Extralobar Sequestration
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA and Lat show a well-defined mass shadow in the left posterior mediastinum. Chest CT scans show a 5.6cm sized multiseptated cystic mass with enlarged anomalous artery originating from the descending thoracic aorta in within the pleural space in the posterior costodiaphragmatic sulcus between in the diaphragm and the lower lobes . The demonstration of a systemic arterial supply to the lesion is the critical diagnostic feature of extralobar sequestration.
Mass exision was done. On section, it is predominantly replaced by cystic lesion containing yellow and thick. The cystic space seems to be dilated bronchial tree grossly. The internal surface is grayish pink, smooth and partly trabeculated. Remaining lung parenchyme is atelectatic and fibrotic.
Pathologic note ;
1. Extralobar sequestration.
2. Cystic bronchiectasis with chronic inflammation and multifocal abscess formation.
- Brief Review
- References
- Please refer to case 127
- Keywords
- Lung, Congenital,