Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Alveolar Sarcoidosis
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest Radiograph (27 May 1998 after steroid therapy)
- Brief Review
- About 5-10% of parenchymal involvement of sarcoidosis, it presents as multiple, large, round, mass-like consolidations. Their appearance resembles that of metastatic disease, and the masses may or may not demontrate air bronchograms. Although often referred to as "alveolar ''or "acinar'' sarcoid, this masses appear to represent the coalescence of numerous granulomas within the interstitium, forming massive conglomerates that compress surrounding airspaces, but do not cause actual airspace filling.
- References
- Keywords
- Lung, Interstitium, Non-infectious inflammation, Sarcoidosis,