Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Pulmonary Amyloidosis
- Radiologic Findings
- Diffuse centrilobular micronodules with branching linear structures, nodular interlobular septa, nodular irregularity of vessels, subpleural dots, and studded fissures are seen at thin-section CT, which suggest perilymphatic distribution of the disease. On transbronchial lung biopsy specimens, amyloid was seen in the interlobular septa and beneath the visceral pleura as well as within the walls of the bronchiole.
Diffuse micronodular diseases with perilymphatic distribution include sarcoidosis, lymphangitic carcinomatosis, amyloidosis, and sometimes pneumoconiosis.
- Brief Review
- References
- Lee KS, Kim TS, Hwang JH, et al. Diffuse micronodular lung diseases: thin-section CT and pathologic findings. JCAT (1999 in press )
- Keywords
- Lung, Interstitium, Metabolic and storage lung disesae,