Weekly Chest CasesArchive of Old Cases

Case No : 244 Date 2002-06-29

  • Courtesy of Myung Hee Chung, M.D. / Holy Family Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Puchon, Korea
  • Age/Sex 34 / M
  • Chief ComplaintDyspnea and hemoptysis after treatment for hepatic tumor
  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

Diagnosis With Brief Discussion

Pulmonary Oil Embolization after Transcatheter Oily Chemoembolization
Radiologic Findings
Chest PA: Diffuse, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates in the whole lungs. Hepatic mass containing lipiodol is seen in right subphrenic area.
HRCT: Patchy ground glass opacities are diffusely noted in the entire lungs, esp. at the nondependent portions of upper lobes. CECT scan shows radioopaque, embolized mass in the right hepatic dome.
Brief Review
Transcatheter oily chemoembolization (TOCE) with a mixture of iodized oil (Lipiodol) and an anticancer drug has been increasingly used in the conservative management of hepatocellular cell carcinoma. Retention of iodized oil was shown essentially within two organs, the liver and the lungs. Symptoms, and signs (dyspnea, hemoptysis and cough), radiographic manifestations (diffuse bilateral infiltrate), and the clinical course were most severe 2-10 days after TOCE. Two to 4 days after IV injection of the oil in rabbits, hypoxemia was most severe and was accompanied by extensive alveolar and interstitial inflammation, hemorrhage, and edema. The most likely mechanism by which iodized edema is the chemical injury due to its component fatty acids. The time required to reach toxic concentrations of these fatty acids might thus be responsible for the delayed onset and the slow release from the tumor into the pulmonary circulation might be an other cause of the delayed onset. Fallat et al observed slower clearance of iodized oil from the upper lungs . In one report, the upper lung infiltrate was intensified despite of the disappearance of opacity in the lower lung. Overt pulmonary embolization developed, when more than 20 mL of oil was used. HRCT findings in this case showing diffuse ground glass opacities, particularly in the nondependent portions of the upper lungs were similar to those of fat embolism syndrome
1. Chung JW, Park JH, Im JG, Han JK, Han MC. Pulmonary oil embolization after transcatheter oily chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiology 1993;187:689-693
2. Fallat RJ, Powell MR, Youker JE, Nadel JA. Pulmonary deposition and clearance of 131I-labeled oil after lymphangiography in man: correlation with lung function. Radiology 1970;97:511-520
3. Choi JA, Oh YW, Kim HK, Kang KH, Choi YH, Kang EY. Nontraumatic pulmonary fat embolism syndrome: Radiologic and pathologic correlations. Journal of Thoracic Imaging 2002;17:167-169
Vascular, Lung, Iatrogenic lung disease, embolism,

No. of Applicants : 25

▶ Correct Answer : 9/25,  36.0%
  • - Choong-ju Hospital Konkuk University, Korea Chang Hee Lee
  • - CHU Nancy-Brabois, France Denis Regent
  • - Gospel Hospital Kosin University, Korea Kyung Hwa Jung
  • - Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital, Korea Eil Seong Lee
  • - Masan Yeonse Hospital, Korea Sang Hee Lee
  • - Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA Sumit Seth
  • - Ospedale di Jesi, Italy Giancarlo Passarini
  • - Pulmonologist, Korea Jae-Joon Yim
  • - Taipei Municipal Jen-Ai Hospital, Taiwan Hui-Ju Tsai
▶ Semi-Correct Answer : 8/25,  32.0%
  • - Camerino Hospital, Italy Roberto Evangelisti
  • - Ewha Womans' University, Mokdong Hospital, Korea Ji Young Hwang
  • - Ewha Womans' University, Mokdong Hospital, Korea Sung Sin Sim
  • - Gwangmoung Seongae Hospital, Korea Jiyong Rhee
  • - Harasanshin hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Shunya Sunami
  • - Sint Andriesziekenhuis Tielt, Belgium Peter Moons
  • - Stedelijk OLV Ziekenhuis Mechelen, Belgium Ivan Pilate
  • - Sungji Hospital, Korea Jung Hee Kim
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