Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Chronic tuberculous empyema with bronchopleural fistula, Rt. & Cavitary tuberculosis with bronchogenic spread, left lung
- Radiologic Findings
- Brief Review
- CT scans of the patient with longstanding tuberculous empyema with BPF show emptied empyema sac with caseation material on its wall and active parenchymal tuberculosis.
BPF associated with tuberculosis usually follows trauma or surgical procedure, whereas in the past many were the consequence of artificial pneumothorax therapy. The fistula can also occur spontaneously, presumably because the tuberculous process establishes an open pathway between bronchus and pleura.
- References
- Keywords
- Pleura, Infection, Bacterial infection, tuberculosis, Chronic tuberculous empyema with bronchopleural fistula, Rt. & Cavitary tuberculosis with bronchogenic spread, left lung