Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Paragoimiasis
- Radiologic Findings
- Brief Review
- Paragonimiasis is caused by P. westermani (Distoma pulmonale). The adult fluke is oval and measures 7.5 to 20 mm in length by 4 to 6 mm in width. Paragonimiasis is seen most frequently in south-east Asia, especially in Korea, Japan, the Philipines, Taiwan, and part of China. Humans acquire the disease by ingesting raw or undercooked crabs or crayfish or by drinking water contaminated by them. Radiologic findings in early stage include pneumothorax or hydropneumothorax, focal airspace consolidation, and linear opacities and are caused by the migration of juvenile worms. Later findings include thin-walled cysts, dense masslike consolidation, nodules, or bronchiectasis and are due to worm cysts.
- References
- Keywords
- Lung, Pleura, Infection, Parasitic infection,