Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Cystic Metastasis of Angiosarcoma
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiograph showed cavitary nodule in right upper lung field. Multiple air cysts are shown on chest CT.
- Brief Review
- An angiosarcoma originate from the endothelial cells and arises most commonly from the dermis of the scalp and upper half of the facial area, and is frequently accompanied by pulmonary metastasis in which solid nodules or masses are produced. Thin-walled carvernous pulmonary metastases are rarely reported. Generally, neoplastic cavities occur in approximately nine percent of primary and four percent of metastatic pulmonary tumors.
The pathogenesis of cavitary pulmonary metastasis is controversial. It may be caused by tumor necrosis secondary to inadequate blood supply due to tumor emboli and subsequent evacuation of necrotic tissue into the airway, a mechanism which can explain the pathogenesis of rapidly growing large lesions. The cavitary lesions in the present case, however, were small and on histological examination showed no tumor emboli. As an alternative, the tumor, by extrinsic compression, can cause bronchial obstruction and thus a resulting cystic lesion, along which tumor cells can extend to form tumor cavities. Nomura et al.suggested that in angiosarcomas, the lining of the vessels tends to be incomplete and that these imperfect vessels can break down and coalesce to form thin-walled cavities.
- References
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- Keywords
- Lung, Malignant tumor,