Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Pulmonary tuberculosis granuloma as a paradoxical worsening of tuberculous pleural effusion
- Radiologic Findings
- Initial chest radiograph shows left pleural effusion.
Initial Chest CT scan shows pleural effusion in dependent portion of left lower thorax with subpleural linear consolidation .
FU chest radiograph shows newly developed lobulating masses in the subpleural portion of the left mid and lower thorax.
Chest CT scan shows newly developed lobulating, heterogeneously enhancing subpleural lesion in the left lung. Note thickened pleura.
Percutaneous needle biopsy of the lung lesion showed caseating granulomas consistent with tuberculosis.
- Brief Review
- Please refer to
Case 301, -
- References
- Keywords
- Pleura, Lung, Infection, Bacterial infection, Tuberculosis,