Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Bronchogenic cyst
- Radiologic Findings
- Plain radiograph shows an about 5cm, sharply defined homogeneous mass shadow in right apex. The mass has broad base on the mediastinum with obtuse angle and incomplete border sign. Trachea is mildly displaced by the mass.
Contrast enhanced CT scans show an elongated hypodense mass with peripheral rim enhancement at right upper paratracheal region, extending into thoracic inlet level. Focal calcification is seen at periphery of the mass. Mild mass effect is associated on trachea and right subclavian vein.
Gross Pathologic Specimen shows a well-defined, unilocular round cyst with thick wall, containing brownish colored fluid collection.
The cyst wall is lined with respiratory epithelium, consistent with bronchogenic cyst on microscopic examination.
- Brief Review
- Please refer to
Case 27, Case 133, Case 149, Case 199, -
- References
- Keywords
- Mediastinum, Congenital,