Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (Inflammatory pseudotumor)
- Radiologic Findings
- About 5-cm size well defined round mass is noted in right lower lung zone on plain radiography. On pre-enhanced CT scan, this mass shows smooth margin and homogenous density without calcification. On post-contrast CT scans, it reveals relatively homogenous strong enhancement (more than 40 HU) of this mass. Enlarged right interlobar lymph node is demonstrated (Not shown here).
Subsequent FDG PET/CT depicts homogenous and high uptake (pSUV=15.6) of mass without any other uptake focus.
Multiple sections reveal a relatively well demarcated partly encapsulated yellow gray solid mass with focal cystic degeneration and yellowish area (4.6x4.4cm) surrounded by lung parenchyma. There are many spindle cell (myofibroblast) and several inflammatory cell, and plasma cell on HPF (*400).
- Brief Review
- known as inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT)
- found in children and young adults, more common in women
- every site including lung, mesentery, retroperitoneum, pelvis
unknown etiology
- dominant spindle cell (myofibroblast) proliferation with inflammatory component
fever, splenomegaly
variable and nonspecific
- an uncommon cause of SPN (0.7 % of lung tumors)
CXR : a lenticular opacity is identified superimposed on the central portion of the lung on a chest radiograph
CT : typically a solitary, peripheral, sharply circumscribed mass with an anatomic bias for the lower lobes
MRI : T1 intermediate and T2 high
Other feature
- calcifications : not rare, more frequently in children than in adults (amorphous, mixed, or fine fleck-like to heavy)
- atelectasis and pleural effusion
- local invasion & primary involvement of the mediastinum and hilar structures : unusual
- multiple lung lesions, pneumonic consolidation, atelectasis, hilar masses, lymphadenopathy and cavitation : unusual
- Please refer to
Case 94, Case 489, -
- References
- Keywords
- lung, Benign tumor,