Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA shows incidental mass measuring about 2.8 cm in diameter in the right infrahilar area. Its margin is sharp and smooth. No calcification seen on preenhanced CT scan. The mass is homogenous and well enhanced. The mass density measures about 38 HU on preenhanced CT scan. Dynamic CT scan shows about 42 HU net enhancement with peak enhancement at 1 minute from the study start. Right paratracheal and hilar lymph nodes are also slightly enlarged. No pulmonary parenchyma and interstitial involvement can be seen. Thoracoscopic excision biopsy shows chronic granulomatous inflammation, being compatible with sarcoidosis.
- Brief Review
- References
- Please refer to
- Case 456
- Keywords
- Mediastinum, Lung, Non-infectious inflammation, Sarcoidosis,