Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Asbestosis (related pleural disease and round atelecatsis)
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA shows round mass like consolidations in both lower lobes.
Note ovoid pleural plaques at left lateral chest wall.
On CT, there are pleural thickenings or pleural plaques and peripherally located enhancing masses with adjacent thickened diaphragmatic pleura in both lower lobes. Vessels sweep into the consolidation, showing typical comet-tail sign.
He had an occupational history of asbestosis factory worker for 3 years.
- Brief Review
- Please refer to
Case , -
KSTR Symposium 1998 Case 11,
- References
- Keywords
- Lung, Pleura, Inhalation and aspiration disease, Occupational lung disease,