Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTMB) Pulmonary Infection (M. abscessus)
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiograph shows nodular and patchy infiltrations in both lungs. Bronchial dilatations are also noted in the mediastinal aspects of both lower lung fields.
HRCT shows bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis, predominantly in right middle lobe and lingular segment of left upper lobe. Centrilobular nodules, branching linear structures and patchy consolidations are associated in other lobes.
AFB was demonstrated on sputum and M. abscessus was isolated in culture.
- Brief Review
- Please refer to
Case 88, Case 243, Case 336, -
KSTR Imaging Conference 2001 Spring Case 5
KSTR Imaging Conference 2005 Spring Case 6,
- References
- Keywords
- Lung, Airway, Infection, Bacterial infection, NTM,