Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiographs shows patchy ground-glass opacity and consolidation in the left lung with left pleural effusion. Non-contrast CT scans demostrate patch areas of consolidation in the left upper lobe, of which attenuation is higher than vascular attenuation in the mediastinum. The attenuation of the liver is unusually high on non-contrast CT, raising the suspicion of iodine deposition in patients with history of amiodarone medication.
Bronchioloaveolar lavage reveals non-specific findings with mainly macrophages with some lymphocytes and neutrophils, without malignant cells. Transbronchial lung biopsy at the left upper lobe reveals only foamy macrophage aggregates with fibrin.
In the patient's past medical history, he ingested amiodarone for arrhythmia for one years. Treatment was the cessation of amiodarone medication. In five days after discontinuation, patchy consolidations in the left upper lobe start to decrease in extent (arrow in figure 5). On two months follow up, the consolidation is markedly decreased in extent (arrow in figure 6), which confirms adiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity and its improvement on cessation of amiodarone.
- Brief Review
- Amiodarone is one of the most frequently used medication for refractory ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Amiodarone pulmonary toxicity was recognized in 1980, and remains a significant cause of drug-induced interstitial lung disease (ILD). Pulmonary toxicity occurs in approximately 5-10% of patients, usually within months of starting therapy. Clinically, amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity manifests with dyspnea, a dry cough, weight loss, malaise, moderate fever and, sometimes, mild pleuritic chest pain.
NSIP is the most common manifestation of amiodarone-induced lung disease. Pleural inflammation is an accompanying feature and can manifest as pleural effusion. BOOP is less common and typically occurs in association with NSIP. A distinctive feature of amiodarone toxicity is the occurrence of focal, homogeneous pulmonary opacities. These opacities are typically peripheral in location and of high attenuation at CT due to incorporation of amiodarone into the type II pneumocytes. Amiodarone and its metabolite accumulate in many organs, achieving concentrations in lung tissue that are toxic to lung cells. Two iodines are present for each molecule of amiodarone or its metabolite. The combination of high-attenuation abnormalities within the lung, liver, or spleen are characteristic of amiodarone toxicity.
The prognosis is good, with most patients improving after discontinuation of therapy.
- References
- 1. RadioGraphics 2000; 20:1245?259.
2. Respiration 2004;71:301?26.
- Please refer to
- Case 114 Case 176 Case 330
- Keywords
- Lung, Iatrogenic lung disease, Drug complication,