Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- COP (Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia)
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiograph (Figure 1) showed multifocal patchy increased opacities in the both lungs. Lung window setting of the chest CT (Figure 2-5) scan showed subpleural , segmental or peribronchovascular ground glass opacities in both lungs. There were also combined fibrosis and traction bronchiectasis and emphysemas in both lungs.
He underwent video-assisted thoracic surgery biopsy at areas of ground glass opacities in right superior segment of RLL and posterior segment of RUL. One week later, he complained of more worsening dyspnea with progression of the lesion on serial follow up chest radiographs. Follow up chest radiograph (Figure 6, answer) and chest CT scan ( Figure 7-10, answer) showed more progression of the ground glass opacities and more fibrosis / parenchymal distorsion in both upper lobes than prior study. Ten days later after the biopsy, pathologic results showed fibroblast plug in the bronchiole with extension to the alveolar ducts (Figure 11). On the results of the clinical, radiologic and pathologic findings, we diagnosed cryptogenic organizing pneumonia in this case. After steroid therapy, his symptoms and chest radiographic findings have improved.
- Brief Review
- Please refer to case 63, case 110, case 230, case 286, and case 294.
- References
- Keywords
- Lung, Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, IIP,