Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Castleman's disease, hyaline-vascular variant
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest radiograph shows a right inferior hilar mass. Axial and coronal reformatted images of MDCT reveal that the right middle mediastinal mass shows a well-defined, lobulated, homogenously enhanced mass. The mass is not involvement to adjacent great vessel and abuts to adjacent pericardium. There is no calcification, or necrosis within the mass. CT attenuation of the mass is 173 HU.
Result of immunohistochemical stain :
CD20: Positive, CD21: Not available, BCL-2: Positive,
CD31: Positive in endothelial cells

H-E x 200. Large follicles showing marked vascular proliferation and hyalinization in their germinal center.
- Brief Review
- # Form of benign lymphoproliferative disorder of unknown etiology and pathogenesis
- Angiofollicular mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia
- Angiomatous lymph node hamartoma
- Giant mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia
# Affect
- Mediastinal lymph nodes, lung, pleura, chest wall
- Extrathoracic locations : cervical, mesenteric, and retroperitoneal nodes and spleen
# Etiology and pathogenesis : unknown
- Unusual form of lymphoid reaction to viral nature
# Two classification system
- Histological : hyaline vascular (90%), plasma cell (9%), mixed forms (rare)
- Distribution : localized and multicentric
# Localized : hyaline vascular (90%) and asymptomatic
- Solitary, well-circumscribed mediastinal mass
- Infiltrative mass with associated lymphadenopathy
- Occur in young adults, good prognosis after surgical treatment
# Multicentric (disseminated) : Plasma cell (80%) and often symptomatic
- Mediastinal, hilar, cervical, and abdominal lymphadenopathy
- Older
- Fever, sweating, fatigue, anemia, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly : systemic disease
# Localized hyaline vascular form
- Most commonly situated in hila or middle posterior mediastinum
- Focal, well-defined, smooth or lobulated mass
# Multicentric plasma cell variety
- Involves multiple mediastinal compartments
- Diffuse mediastinal widening
- Pulmonary involvement often occurs
Due to lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
# Localized hyaline vascular Castleman's disease
- Mass or enlarged lymph nodes of homogeneous soft tissue attenuation
- Coarse and central calcifications : may be seen
- Highly vascular nature : marked homogeneous enhancement
# Multicentric Castleman's disease
- Multiple, slightly enlarged mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes
- Homogeneous attenuation
- Little enhancement
- Pulmonary manifestations : lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
HRCT : ill defined centrilobular nodules, thin-walled cysts, and thickening of bronchovascular bundles and septa
Less common findings : subpleural nodules, GGO, airspace consolidation, and bronchiectasis
- References
- 1. Moon WK, Im J-G, Kim JS, et al. Mediastinal Castleman disease: CT findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1994; 18:43-46
2. McAdams HP, Rosado-de-Christenson M, Fishback NF, Templeton PA. Castleman disease of the thorax: radiologic features with clinical and histopathologic correlation. Radiology 1998; 209:221-228
3. Kim TJ, Han JK, Kim YH et al. Castleman disease of the abdomen: imaging spectrum and clinicopathologic correlations. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2001;25:207?14.
4. Kim YJ, Choi BW, Seo JS, Choe KO. Mediastinal Castleman disease: heterogeneous enhancement with filling-in pattern on dynamic CT and MRI. Eur J Radiol Extra 52 2004;103-105
- Keywords
- Mediastinum, Lymphproliferative disorder, Lymphoid hyperplasia,