Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Rapidly growing extra-abdominal fibromatosis after trauma
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA shows old fracture of right clavicle and there is a bulging opacity and no companion shadow in right supraclavicular area.
On T1 and T2 weight axial images, about 9cm sized irregular marginated, lobulating soft tissue mass is seen in right infraclavicular area. This mass demonstrates iso SI on T1-WI and high SI on T2-WI. After Gd administration, this mass shows strong enhancement. Note prominent low SI bands on all pulse sequences.
On chest CT scan performed 18 months ago, no mass is seen in right infraclavicular area.
Excisional biopsy and debulking surgery were performed. Cut surface of the specimen reveals glistening white to pale grey, solid and coarsely trabecular pattern with focal hemorrhage and no necrosis. Microscopic finding of the mass shows elongated, slender and spindle shaped cells proliferation with collageneous background (not shown).

- Brief Review
- Please see the case No. 677 and 568.
- References
- Keywords
- Chest wall, Malignant tumor,