Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Pulmonary cryptococcosis
- Radiologic Findings
- Well defined discrete pulmonary nodules, RLL with interval growth, compared with CT scan (4 months ago) were shown.
PET-CT revealed mild hypermetabolism
- Brief Review
- Cryptococcosis occurs predominantly in immunocompromised patients but can also be found in normal host. The pattern of pulmonary cryptococcal infection depends on the host immune status. In the immunocompromised patients, it can cause symptomatic pulmonary infections and disseminated to the central nervous system. In the immunocompetent host, infections are localized to the lungs and usually asymptomatic.
The radiology patterns of pulmonary cryptococcosis are nodules, masses and consolidations with GGO. Sometimes, linear opacities with septal thickenings are the dominant features. Small numbers of patient manifest as solitary nodule with enhancement, mimics malignant nodule. About 1/3 of patients are asymptomatic and some have variable clinical symptoms of cough and low- grade fever. The incidence of cavitary nodule is relatively higher in the young adults and immunocompromised hosts. In the above patients, he was no evidence of immunocompromised state.
- References
- 1) Lindell RM, Hartman TE, Nadrous HF, Ryu JH. Pulmonary cryptococcosis: CT findings in immunocompetent patients. Radiol 2005;236-326-331
2) Chang WC, Tzao C, Hsu HH, eta al. Pulmonary cryptococcosis: comparison of clinical radiographic characteristics in immunocompetent and immunmocompromised patients. Chest 2006;129:333-340
3) Imaging of pulmonary infections. Muller NL, Franquet T, Lee KS. Silva CI. Lippincotte Williams & Wilikins 2007
- Keywords
- lung, infection, fungal,