Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest CT shows multiple well-defined small (less than 1cm) nodules in both lungs. Most of nodules were located in the peripheral portion of the lung. There are also multiple low attenuated lesions in the liver on abdomen CT. Some subcapsular lesions show capsular retraction. The patient underwent VATS biopsy for diagnosis and pulmonary nodules were confirmed as epithelioid hemangioendothelioma.
- Brief Review
- Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (formerly known as intravascular bronchioalveolar tumor) is a rare tumor of vascular endothelial origin, with an intermediate course between hemangioma and conventional angiosarcoma (1). Pulmonary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (PEH) typically occurs as bilateral multiple nodules among young women (1,2).But some cases also develop as a solitary lung nodule or a single cavitary nodule (3). While histological calcification is common, radiologic calcification is not. Differential diagnosis includes metastatic carcinoma, chronic granulomatous disease, or rarely multiple benign tumors such as sclerosing hemangioma. Practically it is important to include PEH as a differential diagnosis when multiple nodules in both lungs are seen in young patients. There is no clear standard for treatment though spontaneous regression and response to chemotherapy and interferon are reported.
- References
- 1.Kitaichi M, Nagai S, Nishimura K, Itoh H, Asamoto H, Izumi T, Dail DH: Pulmonary epithelioid haemangioendothelioma in 21 patients, including three with partial spontaneous regression.EurRespir J 1998, 12:89-96.
2. Cronin P, Arenberg D. Pulmonary Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma : An Unusual Case and a Review of the Literature. Chest 2004; 125:789-793.
3. Jang KY, Jin GY, Lee YC, Lee HB, Kang MJ, Choi HY, Chung MJ: Pulmonary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a tumor presented as a single cavitary mass.J Korean Med Sci 2003, 18:599-602.
- Keywords
- lung, malignant tumor,