Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Pulmonary amyloidosis, nodular form
- Radiologic Findings
- Chest PA shows multiple variable sized nodules with small calcification. Chest CT with lung setting shows multiple variable sized nodules with random distribution. Chest CT with enhancement shows mild homogeneous enhancement with amorphous calcifications. PET/CT shows mild hypermetabolism in some pulmonary nodules. H-E shows masses of amorphous, eosinophilic extracellular materials. Congo red-stained section viewed under polarizing microscopy demonstrates apple-green birefringence.
- Brief Review
- Amylodosis is a generic term for a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by accumulation of various insoluble fibrillar proteins(amyloid). Amyloidosis is rare and it affects the respiratory tract in approximately 50% of cases. Amyloid may involve the trachea, the bronchi, or more commonly the lung parenchyma. The nodular Amyloid usually is asymptomatic and is found incidentally on the chest radiograph.
Nodular parenchymal amyloidosis is manifested as solitary or, less commonly, multiple nodules usually ranging from 0.5 to 15 cm in diameter. The nodules occur most commonly in the lower lobes and are usually peripheral. Disease may progress slowly during a period of several years. Calcification is seldom evident on radiographs but is seen in 20% to 50% of nodules on CT scans. Nodular amyloid deposits have been commonly in patients with Sj흷gren syndrome and lymphoid interstitial pneumonia. The main differential diagnosis is primary or metastatic tumors.
- References
- 1.Gillmore JD, Hawkins PN. Amyloidosis and the respiratory tract. Thorax 1999;54:444-451
2.Utz JP, Swensen SJ, Gertz MA. Pulmonary amyoidosis. The Mayo Clinic experience from 1980 to 1993. Ann Intern Med 1996;124:407-413
- Keywords
- lung, metabolic ans storage,