Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Endobronchial typical carcinoid tumor
- Radiologic Findings
- Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows consolidation in left middle lung zone. On the pre and post contrast chest CT scan, a small enhancing nodular lesion is seen within the left upper lobar bronchus. Consolidation with air-bronchogram is noted in left upper lobe, suggestive of obstructive pneumonitis. He underwent left upper lobectomy. There was a well-defined endobronchial tumor within the left upper lobar bronchus near the orifice of lingular divisional bronchus. The tumor size was 1.0 x 0.7 cm, and it was positive for neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin and synaptophysin) on immunohistochemical study.
- Brief Review
- Carcinoid tumors account for 1-2% of pulmonary neoplasms. There are two types of tumors; typical carcinoid (80-90%) and atypical carcinoid (10-20%). Typical and atypical bronchial carcinoids have similar imaging features. Because most bronchial carcinoids (80-85% of cases) are located in central airways, radiologic findings are usually related to bronchial obstruction. Central bronchial carcinoids manifest as an endobronchial nodule or hilar or perihilar mass with a close anatomic relationship to the bronchus. The mass is usually a well-defined, round or ovoid lesion and may be slightly lobulated at radiography and computed tomography (CT). Associated atelectasis, air trapping, obstructing pneumonitis, and mucoid impaction may also be seen. Peripheral bronchial carcinoids appear as solitary nodules. Calcification is visible on CT in 30% of cases. Carcinoids have a rich vascular stroma and often show marked, homogeneous enhancement on CT after intravenous administration of contrast material. Prognosis of bronchial carcinoids is highly dependent on histologic findings: Typical bronchial carcinoids generally have an excellent prognosis, whereas atypical bronchial carcinoids have a worse prognosis.
- References
- 1. Jeung MY et al. Bronchial carcinoid tumors of the thorax: spectrum of radiologic findings. Radiographics 2002 Mar-Apr;22(2):351-65
2. Muller NL et al. Imaging of the chest. Chpter 26 Carcinoid tumors, pulmonary tumorlets, and neuroendocrine hyperplasia. Volume I. p542-548
- Keywords
- airway, benign tumor,