Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Trachobronchopathia osteochondroplastica
- Radiologic Findings
- Noncontrast chest CT scans show calcified /noncalcified multiple small mural nodules in the anterolateral tracheal and proximal bronchial wall, sparing posterior membranous tracheal wall.
- Brief Review
- # Rare idiopathic benign condition charaterized by multiple submucosal osteocartilaginous nodules in central airway walls (trachea and proximal bronchi)
# Presentation
- usually asymptomatic
- dyspnea, cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, recurrent pneumonia
- may be discovered during difficult intubation or bronchoscopy
# Demographics
- age: usually > 50 years of age
- gender, male>female (3:1)
- epidemiology : 0.5% prevalence at autopsy
# Natural history and prognosis
- slow progression
- usually incidental diagnosis at autopsy
# Treatment
- endoscophic therapy or surgery for obstructing lesions.
# General feature
- best diagnostic clue : nodular tracheal wall
- location: anterolateral tracheal walls, sparing of posterior membranous tracheal wall
- size: 1-3mm small uniform nodules
- typically round: may appear plaque-like or polypoid
# CT findings
- calcified /noncalcified multiple small mural nodules, protruding into airway lumen
- involvement of anterolateral tracheal & proximal bronchial wall
- sparing of posterior menbramous tracheal wall (where there is no cartilage)
- viable degree of airway stenosis
- Saber-sheath appearance of trachea in some patient
- References
- 1. Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Tracheobronchial Wall: Radiologic Findings with Bronchoscopic Correlation1, Jeffrey S. Prince, MD. et al, RadioGraphics 2002; 22:S215-230
- Please refer to
- Case 695 Case 373 Case 228
- Keywords
- Airway, Non-infectious inflammation,