Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Diagnosis
- Castleman disesase (plasma cell type)
- Radiologic Findings
- Fig 1-7. Chest CT with lung setting and mediastinal setting shows numerous ill-defined nodules with ground-glass opacities and diffuse irregular interlobular septal thickening in B lung and multiple enlarged or mildly enlarged LNs in bilateral supraclavicular fossae, bilateral axillae, mediastinum, and bilateral hila.
- Brief Review
- Castleman disease is a non-clonal lymphoproliferative disorder and one of the more common causes of nonneoplastic lymphadenopathy. Histopathologically, Castleman disease can be classified into hyaline vascular type and plasma cell type. Hyaline vascular type and plasma cell type represents 90% and 10% of Castleman disease, respectively.
Plasma cell Castleman disease more frequently occurs as multicentric Castleman disease. CT manifestations include diffuse lymphadenopathy involving multiple anatomic regions, including bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and diffuse thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, or cervical lymphadenopathy. Diffuse nodular opacities, ground-glass opacities, interlobular septal thickening, and bronchovascular bundle thickening are seen in the lungs and sometimes mistaken as lymphoproliferative disease or sarcoidosis.
- References
- 1. Bonekamp D, Horton KM, HrubanRH, et al. Castleman disease the greast mimic. Radiographics 2011 ;31 :1793-1807.
2. Nishimura MF, Igawa T, Gion Y, et al. J Pers Med. 2020 Dec; 10(4): 269.
- Keywords