Weekly Chest CasesArchive of Old Cases

Case No : 1407 Date 2024-10-07

  • Courtesy of Yeon Joo Jeong / Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital
  • Age/Sex 57 / M
  • Chief ComplaintPre-operative imaging abnormality, History of early gastric cancer
  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

Diagnosis With Brief Discussion

Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
Radiologic Findings
Fig 1. Serial lung window images of the initial chest CT scans show peribronchial airspace nodules in the right middle lobe and left upper lobe, as well as multifocal peribronchial patchy areas of ground glass opacities in both lungs.
Fig 2. Serial lung window images of follow-up chest CT scans obtained one year later show a migrating pattern of peribronchial airspace nodules and ground glass opacities in both lungs. Pathologic specimens obtained from the VATS wedge resection of right upper and lower lobes revealed nodular lymphoid hyperplasia.
Brief Review
Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (PNLH) is a rare benign lymphoproliferative disorder of the lung, believed to result from reactive hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (1). Pathologically, PNLH is characterized by prominent germinal centers with interfollicular fibrosis and plasma cell infiltration (1). Imaging findings typically show well-defined single or multiple nodules, masses, or areas of consolidation ranging from 0.6 cm to 6 cm in size, as well as single or multiple ground-glass opacities or subsolid nodules (2, 3). Mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy as well as pleural effusion are typically absent. Most imaging abnormalities tend to persist, grow slowly, or both, often mimicking lung adenocarcinoma, metastasis, or lymphoma. Other differential diagnoses include follicular bronchiolitis, lymphoid interstitial pneumonia, and non-specific interstitial pneumonia. Despite being a benign lymphoproliferative disease, surgical resection remains the treatment of choice, with an excellent prognosis and no recurrence following surgery (4).
1. Abbondanzo SL, Rush W, Bijwaard KE, Koss MN. Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the lung: a clinicopathologic study of 14 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2000; 24(4): 587-597
2. Hare SS, Souza CA, Bain G, et al. The radiological spectrum of pulmonary lymphoproliferative disease. Br J Radiol 2012; 85(1015): 848-864
3. Cha YJ, Moon DH, Park JH, et al. Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia presenting as multifocal subsolid nodules: A case report and literature review. Resp Med Case Rep 2022; 36:101581
4. Borie R, Wislez M, Antoine M, Cadranel J. Lymphoproliferative disorders of the lung. Respiration 2017; 94(2):157-175

No. of Applicants : 60

▶ Correct Answer : 5/60,  8.3%
  • - Shiga University of Medical Science , Japan AKITOSHI INOUE
  • - Kyoto University , Japan SHO KOYASU
  • - Yonsei University,Severance Hospital , Korea (South) SEO BUM CHO
  • - Fukuoka university , Japan KEISUKE SATO
  • - Toyota Kosei Hospital , Japan YUKI HAYASHI
▶ Correct Answer as Differential Diagnosis : 9/60,  15.0%
  • - Kyoto University , Japan AKIHIKO SAKATA
  • - Kyoto City Hospital , Japan YUSUKE UTSUNOMIYA
  • - , Korea (South) DONG-HO BANG
  • - Healthy Longevity Medical Center , Japan SHIN-ICHI CHO
  • - Osaka University , Japan AKINORI HATA
  • - , Japan YOSHIKI ISHII
  • - Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine , Japan MITSURU MATSUKI
  • - Osaka metropolitan university Hospital , Japan TATSUSHI OURA
  • - , Japan YUMI MAEHARA
▶ Semi-Correct Answer : 1/60,  1.7%
  • - University of Yamanashi , Japan TAKAAKI HASHIMOTO
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