- 페이지 경로
COVID-19 Cases
[Case 1]
Chief Complaint : Sx: mild fever and myalgia for several days / Exposure Hx: exposure to infected patient
[Case 2]
Chief Complaint : Sx: mild fever, chilling and myalgia for one day / Exposure Hx: Unknown exposure
[Case 3]
Chief Complaint : Sx: dyspnea, cough, sputum, chest discomfort / Exposure history: a resident of the region of the outbreak
[Case 4]
Chief Complaint : Sx: cough, sputum (for 7days) / Exposure: a visitor of the region of the outbreak
[Case 5]
Chief Complaint : Sx: chillness(day1)-> headache(day2) -> myalgia (day5)-> fever, diarrhea, cough, sputum (day6) / Exposure history: a visitor of the region of the outbreak
[Case 6]
Chief Complaint : Sx: nausea (for 4 days) and progressed dyspnea (for 1 day) / Exposure history: living with daughter who was diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia 3 days before patient presented symptoms
[Case 7]
Chief Complaint : Sx: febrile sense, mild fever and cough / Exposure history: a resident of the region of the outbreak
[Case 8]
Chief Complaint : Sx: fever, chilling sense, myalgia and URI symptoms / Unknown exposure history
[Case 9]
Chief Complaint : Sx: febrile sense for 2 days / Exposure history : a visitor of the region of the outbreak
[Case 10]
Chief Complaint : fever (38.9) for 2 days / Exposure history : a visitor of the region of the outbreak