Fig 1. Chest PA on initial radiograph showed no demonstrable new active lesions. Diffuse pleural calcification involving left hemithorax and volume loss with fibrotic consolidation in left lung was noted due to sequelae of TB pleurisy. Corona virus PCR was negative at the time of symptom onset.
Fig 2. Newly appeared patchy consolidation was noted on chest radiograph 16 days after symptom onset. Corona virus PCR was finally positive at this time.
Fig 3. CT showed consolidation with surrounding GGOs and internal air bronchogram in right upper lobe (16 days after symptom onset).
Fig 4. Follow-up radiograph revealed increased extent of opacities in right lung, mainly upper lung zone (18 days after symptom onset).
Fig 5-7. Follow-up CT showed increase in extent of consolidation and GGOs in RUL and newly appeared patchy GGOs and mixed consolidation in the periphery of RUL and RML (arrows, 19 days after symptom onset).
Brief Review
Underlying disease: history of TB pleurisy (40 years ago)
Treatment: Lopinavir/Ritnavir