- 페이지 경로
Case No : 4 Date 2020-03-09
- Courtesy of Ha Kyung Jung, Jin Young Kim / Keimyung University Daegu Dongsan Hospital
- Age/Sex 50 / F
- Chief ComplaintSx: cough, sputum (for 7days) / Exposure: a visitor of the region of the outbreak
- Diagnosis
- A woman in 50s with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Radiologic Findings
- Figure 1. Initial chest AP (7 days after symptom onset)
Figure 2. Follow up chest PA demonstrates newly developed focal ground glass opacities at the both upper lung zones (14 days after symptom onset)
Figure 3. Follow up chest PA shows improving state ground glass opacity in the right upper lung field and still residual focal lesion at left upper lung zone. (22 days after symptom onset)
Figure 4. Chest CT images demonstrate subpleural multifocal consolidation and ground glass attenuated lesions in both lower lobes, RML and LUL lingular segment.
- Brief Review
- Past medical history: DM, HTN, hyperlipidemia, angina pectoris
Treatment: antiviral (kaletra: lopinavir/ritonavir) & antibiotic (cefditroren, azithromycin) agents
Prognosis: stable state -improving state of pneumonia on chest radiographs