- 페이지 경로
Case No : 6 Date 2020-03-10
- Courtesy of Joo Sung Sun, MD / Ajou University School of Medicine
- Age/Sex 70 / F
- Chief ComplaintSx: nausea (for 4 days) and progressed dyspnea (for 1 day) / Exposure history: living with daughter who was diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia 3 days before patient presented symptoms
- Diagnosis
- A woman in 70s with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Radiologic Findings
- Initial chest PA (Figure 1) shows multifocal consolidation and ground glass opacities in both lung fields which show decreased extent and opacities on serial follow up images (Figure 2-3).
Chest CT images on HD-2 (Figure 4 and 6) show well demarcated ground glass attenuated lesions in both lungs with peripheral predominance. A remarkable finding is that some lesions are distributed with subpleural area sparing and through the bronchovascular bundle. Follow up chest CT scans on HD-5 (Figure 5 and 6) demonstrate decreasing densities and extent of the lesions.
- Brief Review
- Treatment: aniretroviral (Kaletra) and antiviral medication (ribavirin) with steroid
Prognosis: stable state with improving symptoms