- 페이지 경로
Case No : 12 Date 2020-03-13
- Courtesy of KSTR / KSTR
- Age/Sex 50 / M
- Chief ComplaintSx: fever / Exposure history : a visitor of the region of the outbreak
- Diagnosis
- A man in 50s with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Radiologic Findings
- Initial chest PA view shows no active lung lesion (Figure 1).
Ill defined faint multifocal ground glass opacities are demonstrated in right middle and both lower lung fields on HD 5 radiography (Figure 2). Follow up serial chest images show increasing consolidations with ground glass opacities in both lungs (Figure 3 and 4). Decreasing extent of lesions with residual curvilinear band like opacities are noted on HD 16 and HD 18 chest images (Figure 5 and 6). These findings show no interval change on follow up chest PA on HD 28 (Figure 7).
- Brief Review
- Past history : none
Treatment : antiviral agent, antibiotics, nasal O2
Prognosis : stable state