- 페이지 경로
Case No : 3 Date 2020-03-09
- Courtesy of KSTR / KSTR
- Age/Sex 50 / F
- Chief ComplaintSx: dyspnea, cough, sputum, chest discomfort / Exposure history: a resident of the region of the outbreak
- Diagnosis
- A woman in 50s with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Radiologic Findings
- Fig 1. Initial chest PA obtained at the onset of symptom shows focal nodular opacity in the right middle lung field and subtly increased opacity in the left lung field.
Fig 2. Follow-up chest PA obtained after two days shows multifocal patchy ground-glass opacities in both lung zone.
Fig 3-5. Chest CT images on the same day of figure 2 demonstrate peripheral and upper lobe predominant multifocal patchy ground-glass opacities with crazy paving appearance in the both lung.
Fig 6. Ten days after admission, follow-up chest PA shows aggravation of bilateral ground-glass opacities.
- Brief Review
- No past history
Treatment: Lopinavir/Ritnavir, Hydroxyl Chloroquine (anti-malarial drug)
Prognosis: Her condition worsened and receiving mechanical ventilator support.