Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Imaging Findings
- Diffuse GGO with ill-defined nodules
Minimal pleural and pericardial effusion
- Discussion
- Malignant endotheliomatosis, Angiotropic large cell lymphoma
Malignant lymphoma characterized by proliferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells within the vascular lumen
Predominantly affects vessels in CNS
Lung involvement at autopsy: ~60%
Diffuse interstitial infiltrates
Normal, minimal bilateral pleural effusion
Patchy areas of GGO of peripheral predominance with mild septal thickening
RPC; expanded alveolar septa and perivascular spaces due to distended septal capillaries, venules, and arterioles, filled with neoplastic cells, alveolar congestion and hemorrhage
- Keywords
Lung, Lymphproliferative disorder,