Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Discussion
- Three histologic types
1) Organizing pneumonia pattern: characterized by airways filled with plump fibroblasts and foamy histiocytes and parenchyma replaced with a mixture of histiocytes, mononuclear cells, and fibroblasts
2) Fibrous histiocytic pattern: spindle-shaped myofibroblasts arranged in whorls
3) Lymphohistocytic pattern: mixture of lymphocytes and plasma cells with only minimal fibrous connective tissue
Radiologic findings
- CT : Solitary, peripheral, sharply circumscribed, lobulated mass, variable, nonspecific heterogeneous attenuation
- MRI : enhancement Intermediate signal intensity on T1WI, high SI on T2WI
- Multiple lesions: 5%
Please also refer to Case 94, Imaging Conference 2003 Summer case9, Imaging Conference 2003 Fall case4
- Keywords
Lung, Non-infectious inflammation,