Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Discussion
- The occurrence of noncaseating granuloma in patients with malignancy who have no symptoms or signs of systemic sarcoidosis
Nadel and Ackerman (1950) : 5 patients
: epidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity(n=1), melanocarcinoma (n=1), breast carcinoma (n=1), cylindroma of the bronchus (n= 1), pancreas carcinoma (n=1)
Pathogenesis of sarcoidlike lesions
: not clear
: histologic reaction to an antigenic stimulus from the malignant tumor
Presence of sarcoidlike lesions have prognostic importance in patients with malignancy.
O`Conell MJ et al (1975)
: 91 patients treated for Hodgkin`s disease
: 17 had sarcoidlike reaction have fewer relapse, longer survival rate compared without granulomas.
Radiology 1996; 200:255-261
- Keywords
Lung, Non-infectious inflammation, Sarcoidosis,