Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Courtesy
- K
- Imaging Findings
- Serial chest radiographs: Multifocal patchy opacities in both lungs, particularly in peripheral and lower lungs. Gradual progression of disease for 5 months
Chest HRCT scans: Patchy consolidation and ground-glass attenuation in both lungs, particularly in peripheral and lower lungs, progression of disease in FU HRCT scan.
- Discussion
- Etiologic factors of NSIP:
connective tissue disease 16%
organic dust 17%
acute lung injury 8%
undiagnosed UIP
nonrepresntative biopsy of BOOP.
Prognosis of NSIP:
alive and well 45%
alive with disease 38%
dead of disease 11%
dead of other 8%
- Keywords
Lung, Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, NSIP,