Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
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- S
- Imaging Findings
- Chest radiograph shows patchy areas of consolidation in both lungs. HRCT scans show geographic distribution of ground glass attenuation area. Areas of poorly defined centrilobular nodules are also seen. The lesion are predominant in lower and dependent lung.
She has a history of repeated injestion of shark liver oil (squalene), which is known as a restorative in Korea.
Transbronchial lung biopsy revealed fibrinous clot with foam cell collection.
- Discussion
- Uncommon condition that results from aspiration or inhalation of fat-like material (ex. Shark liver oil)
Thin-section CT findings (Lee JS, et al. Eur Radiol 1999)
A. diffuse ground-glass opacity pattern - a large amount of squalene through the nose
B. consolidation pattern - taking squalene for several months
C. interstitial thickening pattern - taking squalene for more than 1 year
- Keywords
Lung, Iatrogenic lung disease, Aspiration,