Diagnosis With Brief Discussion
- Courtesy
- St. Marys Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea
- Discussion
- Multiple nodules with or without cavitation in immunocompromised patients
1. Infections
A. Bacterial
1) Septic nodules (S.aureus)
2) Nocardia
3) Legionella
B. Fungal
1) Cryptococcus
2) Aspergillus
3) Mucormycosis
4) Candida
2. Neoplasm
3. Others
- Gram positive bacilli, staining weakly acid-fast
- Opportunistic bacterium causes pneumonia in the conditions in which cellular immunity is depressed
- Antecedent corticosteroid therapy
- Single or multiple nodules with or without cavitation
- Extend to the pleural surface with associated pleural effusion or chest wall invasion
- Disseminated disease with involvement of the brain, meninges, and skin
- Reference
- Keywords
Lung, Infection, Bacterial infection,