Weekly Chest CasesWinners of Weekly Chest Cases

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2000 KSTR Weekly Quiz Awards

Ivan Pilate, MD
Stedelijk OLV Ziekenhuis Mechelen, Belgium
The above result was obtained using Microsoft Excel program.
We have a database of correct answerers for 53 cases (from Case 111 to Case 163 during the year 2000), and each correct answer gets a score of 100.
So, if you had given correct answers for all the 53 cases, you would get a perfect score of 5300.
The score 4350 is a marvelous one!!!

Letters of Acknowledgement form Foreign Winners

김 완태
Seoul, Korea

저는 한국보훈병원 진단방사선과에 근무하고 있는 전공의 4년차 김완태입니다.
우선 제가 Weekly case 응모에서 상위권에 오른 것에 대해 무척 기쁘게 생각하고, 또한 영광으로 생각합니다.
이제껏 Chest case 를 병원에서 많이 보아왔지만, 제가 근무하는 병원의 특성상 상당히 제한된 분야의 Case 들만을 경험할 수 있었습니다.
그래서 다른 병원의 전공의 동료들에 비해 실력이 많이 모자라는 것이 아닌가 스스로 의구심을 가진 적도 많았습니다.
하지만 흉부방사선의학회에서 매주마다 좋은 증례들을 Internet 상에 올려준다는 말을 의국 선배님께 듣고 주마다 한번씩 큰 부담도 없고 해서 계속 응모하게 되었습니다.
매주 이 site 를 방문하면서, 나름대로는 주어진 Case 에 대해 고민도 많이 해보고, 내 생각과 다른 Case 는 분석하는 방법상의 차이를 알고자 연구도 많이 했습니다.
지난 1년동안 흉부방사선학회의 Weekly case는 비단 저 뿐만이 아니라 저와 비슷한 고민이나 생각을 가지고 있던 동료들에게도 많은 도움이 되었으리라 생각합니다.
앞으로도 제 주위의 동료들에게 또는 후배들에게 이 site를 많이 홍보하고 추천하겠습니다.
더불어 흉부방사선학회의 무궁한 발전을 기원합니다.

김 완태 올림

Shunya Sunami
Ehimeken, Japan

Dear Dr. Kim.
I'm surprised and very glad to get a top 10 score.
I always look forward to your weekly chest cases.
They are very interesting and useful for my daily work.
Thank you so much for your kindness.
I wish you a Happy New Year 2001, too.

Yours truly
Shunya Sunami

Giancarlo Passarini
Sassoferrato, Italy

Dear Dr. Kim,
To be in the top 30 of your ranking makes me more proud than I can express with words.
But, more, I'm truly honored for having made acquaintance with you and your staff.
For a lonely and forlorn radiologist in a little town of Italy this is the greatest honor.
Thank you very much for everything and please accept my hearty wishes of a Happy New Year 2001.

Yours sincerely,
Giancarlo Passarini

LAXOU, France

It is a great honor and a real pleasure to appear in the Top 30 of the KSTR Quiz.
The weekly rendezvous with thoracic imaging is a very stimulating tool, particularly for a non-specialist of this field like me.
It is so pleasant to learn new things and to deepen one's knowledge with practical and didactic clinico-radiologic cases and comments.
I hope you enjoyed your familial Italian Christmas' eve meal with Bordeaux wine (there are now many other very good and less expensive French wines like Cotes du Rhone that have probably the same effectiveness against coronary atherosclerotic disease ...at least we expect it!!! ).
There are no more problems with images of the last case.
Thank you again for your steady efforts to maintain your enthralling website.

Happy New Year

Top 30 Scorers of the Year 2000

No. Hospital Name Score
1 Stedelijk OLV Ziekenhuis Mechelen, Belgium Ivan Pilate 4350
2 Seoul National University Hospital Tae Jung Kim 4100
3 한강성심병원 이일성 4050
4 Gachon Medical School Gil Medical Center Seo Joon Beom 3900
5 한국보훈병원 김완태 3200
6 고창병원 이지용 3050
7 Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University Kyung Soo Lee 2700
7 Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan Shunya Sunami 2700
9 Seoul National University Hospital Seong Ho Park 2500
10 건국의대충주병원 이창희 2300
10 서울대병원 박창민 2300
12 Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Spain Juan Arenas 2150
13 서울중앙병원 이승수 2100
13 마산청아병원 문기호 2100
15 고대 구로병원 홍기택 1950
16 고신의대 이상희 1900
16 Dong-A University Hospital, Pusan Ki-Nam Lee 1900
18 부산백병원 최기복 1850
19 노원을지병원 윤숙자 1800
19 거창적십자 병원 정현우 1800
21 Seoul National University Hospital Hyuck Jae Choi 1750
22 한양대학병원 권배주 1600
23 경희대학병원 윤영철 1550
23 전북 공보의 권 량 1550
25 나주시 공보의 김지훈 1450
26 한강성심병원 이신호 1400
27 Ospedale di Fabriano, Italy Giancarlo Passarini 1350
28 부산백병원 주은영 1300
28 부산장림한서병원 권경입 1300
30 CHU Nancy-Brabois, Vandoeuvre les Nancy cedex, France Denis REGENT 1200


Dr. Ivan Pilate
Stedelijk OLV-Ziekenhuis Mechelen, Belgium

Dear Dr. Kim,

First of all, I want to thank you for the many hours you have spent as Webmaster: it's really not easy to present every week a case, with the appropriate clinical findings.
The reality of clinical work is even more difficult: we, as radiologists, have to search for the relevant clinical findings!
There couldn't be a better Webmaster for me: the cases were not too easy and not too difficult AND the Webmaster was not too severe!
The comments of Dr. Kyung Soo Lee are really wonderful (case 151: Tsutsugamushi disease!! : never heard of it: Ivan Pilate had to consult his Fraser and Pare, once more...).

I found the best chestXray-site; I know where the best thoracic radiologists live.
I've still not understood how these radiologists can do their clinical work, how they can read the literature, and write the literature! And moreover a website.

My best wishes for the New Year,

Dr. Ivan Pilate
Stedelijk OLV-Ziekenhuis Mechelen


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Each Case of This Site Supplied by the Members of KSTR.
Copyright of the Images is in the KSTR and Original Supplier.
Current Editor : Sang Young Oh, M.D., Ph.D Email : sangyoung.oh@gmail.com

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