Weekly Chest CasesWinners of Weekly Chest Cases

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2011 Winners testimonials

Carlo Florio

It is a great honour and an incredible emotion for me to win such a prestigious contest as Weekly Chest cases C for the second consecutive year.
I would like to thank the KSTR for having developed and promoted this original and innovative system for improving the study and the knowledge of thoracic radiology. The idea of the competition, the wide spectrum and the quality of very rare cases presented, the frequency of weekly feedbacks allow even a very qualified panel of partecipants to regularly receive training and to grow professionally.
Let me also address my sincere admiration and professional estimate for all the other competitors! - among them Yun Yun Yeh (my model, the Master) and also Meric Tuzun, Denis Chabassiere and all the others I cannot mention for space reasons. Sometimes I dream with open eyes that we get together and work as "wonder team" in everyday life
Many thanks again

Carlo Florio

Jun-Jun Yeh

I thank you very much for your continuous effort. You always present interesting diseases, it forces us to give complete differential diagnoses. The clinical data are relevant incomplete( this is really true in our clinical practice). But the comments are to the point and the references are up to date.
The quiz is very stimulating for each participant. These cases are the ideal way to understand the imaging findings of various thoracic diseases .The more we search, the more we learn and the more we are interested in thoracic imaging(If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it).
In recent years there have been major advances in chest imaging. These include significant refinements in previously available techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and the introduction of new techniques into the clinical armamentarium, particularly positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.
The KSTR is the best website in the world for us to achieve all these new advances of thoracic imaging. Furthermore ,The quiz of KSTR is an excellent area for us to challenge the typical and atypical imaging about thoracic disease(Creativity is more like a quest for understanding). The answer is always hit heart just as the ending of many Korean teleplay and movie.
Thank you again for everything.
I wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2012

Jun-Jun Yeh
China Medical University

Meric Tuzun

It was my pleasure to join this site with valuable cases and I am really proud to be one of the winners. I thank you very much four your efforts. I thank the editors and the numerous case suppliers.
I think KSTR Weekly Chest Cases is a valuable educational support for all radiologists and a gift from South Korea to the whole world. It is not only a educational event, but also an example of a friendship and sharing. While evaluating these cases I always felt like working together with the friendly people of South Korea.
I wish all participants success in this year from KSTR Weekly Chest Cases.

Best regards,
Meric Tuzun
Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Hospital, Ankara, TURKEY

이상민 (공중보건의)
레지던트 4년차부터 case에 응모했는데 생각했던 것보다 좋은 결과가 나와서 기쁩니다. 제가 chest에 대한 관심을 갖게 해 준 계기가 되어서 더 애착이 가는 것 같습니다. 매주 case를 준비해 주신 선생님께 감사드리며 앞으로도 즐겁게 case에 응모하겠습니다.

한유미 (한강성심병원)
수상을 하게 되어 기쁩니다. 이런 좋은 web site를 만들고 운영하시는 흉부영상의학회의 노고에 감사를 드립니다. 언제나 큰 도움이 되고 있습니다. 앞으로도 무궁한 발전이 있기를 기원합니다.

임채헌 (서울성모병원)
우선 weekly case quiz의 winner에 선정되어서 기쁘고 뿌듯합니다.
재작년에는 군제대후 많은 시간을 내지 못해서 quiz site에 접속하지 못했는데 작년에는 좀 신경을 써서 꾸준히 한 것이 좋은 결과가 나왔네요.
매주 이렇게 심도 있고 소중한 문제를 출제해 주시는 여러 병원 교수님들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다.
덕분에 많은 공부 되었고, 평소 판독하다가 어려운 case가 나올때에도 종종 참조하고 있습니다.
올해에는 Korea winner가 세계상위 순위 안에 들 수 있게 해볼 생각입니다.
그리고 case에 대해 궁금한 것이 있거나 discussion이 필요로 하는 사람들을 위해 문제 출제선생님 메일 주소도 링크시켜주시면 더 좋지 않을까 하는 생각도 드네요.

홍새롬 (세브란스병원 4년차)
Weekly Chest Cases의 winner로 선정되어 기쁘고 영광스럽게 생각합니다.
3년차 말쯤부터 과내 의국원들 사이에 각 학회 quiz 응모하는 것이 유행처럼 되고 작년의 수상자 선생님들을 보면서 시작했던 것이 계기였는데, 꾸준히 응모하면서 자주 보기 힘든 병들에 대해서도 알게 되고, 알고 있는 것에 대한 새로운 내용을 다지게 되어 보드시험을 준비할 때까지도 많은 도움이 되었습니다.
유행을 만들고 같이 응모를 했던 의국원들, 가르침 주신 선생님들께 감사드리고, 2012년에도 많은 의국 후배들과 참여하겠습니다.

송용섭 (서울대병원 2년차)
작년 이미징 컨퍼런스에서 수상 소감 발표 PPT를 보며 전공의 끝나기 전에 한 번 수상 소감 발표를 해보고 싶어서 도전했는데 생각보다 일찍 기회가 찾아온 것 같아서 기쁘고 영광입니다. 매번 좋은 증례 문제를 마련해주시는 여러 선생님들께 깊은 감사드립니다.

김기환 (고려대 안산병원 2년차)
고대안산병원 2년차 김기환입니다.
먼저 2011년도 weekly quiz 에서 이렇게 상을 받게 되어서 매우 기쁩니다.
지난 일년동안 자주 응모하면서, 흔하지 않은 케이스들을 감별진단하기 위해서 고민하였던 시간들이 개인적으로 큰 도움이 되었습니다.
흔하지 않으면서도 교육적인 케이스들을 매주 접할 수 있도록 해주시는 흉부영상의학회 교수님들께 감사드리며, 저 또한 올해도 더욱 열심히 해야겠다는 생각이 듭니다.
또한 좋은 배움의 기회에 주변의 동기들도 많이 참여할 수 있도록 독려하도록 해야겠습니다.

송윤아 (한양대 서울병원 2년차)
모자라는 저임에도 상을 주셔서 감사합니다. 앞으로 더 열심히 공부하라는 뜻으로 알고 더욱 더 성실히 노력하는 전공의 되겠습니다.

2011 Foreign Weekly Quiz Top 30

No. Country Hospital Name Score
1 Italy IRCCS Istituto Oncologico - Bari Florio Carlo Maria 4300
2 Taiwan China Medical University ,Taiwan,R.O.C. Yeh Jun Jun 4230
3 Turkey Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Hospital, Ankara Tuzun Meric 4020
4 France IRSA La Rochelle France Chabassiere Denis 4010
5 Japan Onomichi municipal hospital Mifune Hirofumi 3970
6 Japan Fukuyama daiichi Hospital Saeki Mototsugu 3960
7 Japan Yokohama-asahi-chuo-general hospital Nagai Kyoko 3870
8 France clinique de SAVOIE philippe gay-depassier 3680
9 France IRSA BIGOT 3570
10 Greece Private sector Tzilas Vasilios 3300
11 United States Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Mani Naganathan BS 3250
12 Japan Kurashiki Seijin-byo Center Tada Akihiro 3210
13 India Deptt of Radiodiagnosis & Imaging, PGIMER chandigarh Galwa Ram Prakash 3190
14 Canada CLCC gautier nicolas 3040
15 India All India Institute of medical sciences Moses Justin Edmund 3030
16 Japan Oita University, Faculty of Medicine Okada Fumito 3020
17 Canada McGill University Health Center Semionov Alexandre 2910
18 Japan Onomichi municipal hospital Kishi Ryotaro 2840
19 Canada University of British Columbia Ajlan Amr M 2830
20 France CHRU lille toledano manuel 2740
21 India jaslok hospital & research centre mumbai JAIN JAINENDRA KUMAR 2730
22 Switzerland Beaulieu clinic Geneva GENIN gilles 2710
23 India radiologist, aditya imaging centre patel vivek narendra 2660
24 United Kingdom James Paget Hospital , U.K mahmood nabil sherif 2660
25 Bulgaria Cardio Center Pontica RUSINOV VLADISLAV BOYANOV 2440
26 India Medical College Chest Hospital,Thrissur,Kerala TK Raveendran 2420
27 Japan Kizawa Memorial Hospital Kaneko Yo 2410
28 Japan Toyama University Hospital, Laboratory of Pathology TANAKA TOMONORI 2360
29 Turkey Radnet Teleradiology Istanbul Sarac Armagan 2360

2011 Korean Weekly Quiz Top 30

No. Hospital Name Score
1 Youngdong Hospital Lee Sang Min 3290
2 Hangang sacred heart hospital Han You Mie 3010
3 Seoul St Mary Hospital Lim Chae hun 2670
4 Inha University Hospital Lee Ju Won 2320
5 Severance hospital Hong Saerom 2200
6 Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital Lee Eil Seong 2170
7 Bupyong Serim Hospital Choi Hee Seok 1930
8 Dongnam Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences Yeh Dae-Wook 1830
9 Seoul National University Hospital Song YongSub 1620
10 snuh jiyung Choo 1610
11 KUMC ansan kim kihwan 1470
12 Hanyang university medical center SONG YOONAH 1470
13 Ewha Womans University Hospital KIM YOOKYUNG 1420
14 Chonnam national univ. hospital Gi Choi Seul 1420
15 Chungnam National University hospital you sunkyoung 1370
16 Catholic medical center kim hyuna 1360
17 Chonnam National University Hospital Kim Jung hyun 1320
18 CHA Bundang hospital Kim Hyerin 1220
19 SMC Kim Yi Kyung 1170
20 Chonnam university hospital HYUN LEE JI 1160
21 Kyungpook National University Medical center Lim Sunkyung 1090
22 CNUH Jeong Seoin 990
23 Sunchun university hospital, Bucheon Bae So Young 970
24 Yonsei University College of Medicine, Shinchon Severance hospital Suh Young Joo 950
25 Chonnam National University Hospital Lee Daun 940
26 Chonnam National University Jung se hee 940
27 Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University Kim Mi Young 840
28 Seoul National University Hospital Kim Hyungjin 820
29 Soon Chun Hyang, Seoul Kim Yoo Na
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Each Case of This Site Supplied by the Members of KSTR.
Copyright of the Images is in the KSTR and Original Supplier.
Current Editor : Sang Young Oh, M.D., Ph.D Email : sangyoung.oh@gmail.com

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